Title: | Functions for Forest Biometrics |
Description: | Functions for different purposes related to forest biometrics, including illustrative graphics, numerical computation, modeling height-diameter relationships, prediction of tree volumes, modelling of diameter distributions and estimation off stand density using ITD. Several empirical datasets are also included. |
Authors: | Lauri Mehtatalo and Kasper Kansanen |
Maintainer: | Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 1.6 |
Built: | 2025-02-22 03:54:37 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/lmfor |
Functions for different purposes related to Forest biometrics, including illustrative graphics, numerical computation, modeling height-diameter relationships, prediction of tree volumes, modeling of diameter distributions and estimation off stand density using ITD. Several empirical datasets are also included; those data sets are used in the examples of Mehtatalo and Lappi (2020a, 2020b).
Package: | lmfor |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.5 |
Date: | 2020-06-16 |
License: | GPL -2 |
LazyLoad: | yes |
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]> and Kasper Kansanen <[email protected]>
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020a. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462.
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020b. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. Full Versions of The Web Examples. Available at http://www.biombook.org.
Post-thinning growth ring measurements of 88 trees of a long-term thinning experiment on a naturally regenerated Scots pine stand in Eastern Finland.
A data frame with 1319 observations on the following 7 variables.
Sample plot id, a factor with 10 levels.
Tree id, a factor with 55 levels (same tree id may occur on different plots!).
Calendar year of the ring.
Stand density (trees per ha) of the sample plot.
Thinning treatment, factor with 4 levels (1=Control, 2=Light, 3=Moderate, 4=Heavy).
Current tree age in years.
Ring Basal area,
Long-term thinning experiment on a naturally regenerated Scots pine stand in Eastern Finland. The experiment consists of 10 sample plots, in four different classes according to the post-thinning stand density. The plots were thinned in winter 1986-1987. In winter 2006 -2007, 10 trees were felled from each plot. A radial 5mm by 5mm segment from pith to bark was cut from each tree at height 1.3 meter height. Ring widths from pith to bark were analyzed for each sample, using an ITRAX X-ray microdensitometer an post-processed to create ring widths from pith to bark were determined for each disc. The ring widths were further transformed to ring basal areas by assuming circular, growth rings. For 12 trees, ring widths could not be extracted. The data includes ring widths for a total of 88 trees between years 1991-2005. The original data is available in data set patti.
Mehtatalo, L., Peltola, H., Kilpelainen, A. and Ikonen, V.-P. 2014. The response of basal area growth of Scots pine to thinning: A longitudinal analysis of tree-specific series using a nonlinear mixed-effects model. Forest Science 60 (4): pp. 636-644. DOI: doi:10.5849/forsci.13-059.
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
data(afterthin) par(mfcol=c(2,1),cex=0.7,mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.5,0.1)) linesplot(afterthin$CA, afterthin$RBA, group=afterthin$Plot:afterthin$Tree, col.lin=as.numeric(afterthin$SDClass),cex=0, xlab="Tree age", ylab=expression("Ring basal area, "*mm^2)) linesplot(afterthin$Year, afterthin$RBA, group=afterthin$Plot:afterthin$Tree, col.lin=as.numeric(afterthin$SDClass),cex=0, xlab="Year", ylab=expression("Ring basal area, "*mm^2))
data(afterthin) par(mfcol=c(2,1),cex=0.7,mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.5,0.1)) linesplot(afterthin$CA, afterthin$RBA, group=afterthin$Plot:afterthin$Tree, col.lin=as.numeric(afterthin$SDClass),cex=0, xlab="Tree age", ylab=expression("Ring basal area, "*mm^2)) linesplot(afterthin$Year, afterthin$RBA, group=afterthin$Plot:afterthin$Tree, col.lin=as.numeric(afterthin$SDClass),cex=0, xlab="Year", ylab=expression("Ring basal area, "*mm^2))
Field-measured and remotely sensed characteristics of 1510 individual Scots Pine trees from 56 sample plots in Kiihtelysvaara, Eastern Finland.
A data frame with 1510 observations on the following 15 variables.
Sample plot id, integer
Tree id, integer
Tree diameter at breast height, cm
Tree height, m
Tree volume, m^2)
Height of lowest dead branch, m
Crown base height, m
Maximum return height, m
20th percentile of return heights within the tree crown, m
30th percentile of return heights within the tree crown, m
70th percentile of return heights within the tree crown, m
80th percentile of return heights within the tree crown, m
Mean height of returns in the 250m^2 neighbourhood of the tree, m
Proportion of returns from vegetation in the 250m^2 neighbourhood of the tree, m
30th percentile of returns in the 250m^2 neighbourhood around the tree, m
70th percentile of returns in the 250m^2 neighbourhood around the tree, m
Field measurements of tree diameter and height, height of dead branch and crown base height and tree location were taken from the trees in a field campaign. Volume was estimated based on diameter, height and upper stem diameter. In addition, the area was remotely sensed using airborne laser scanning. Detectable individual trees were delineated from the ALS point cloud and associated with the field measurements. From a large set of tree-specific ALS characteristics, the data includes those that were used in the final models of stand characteristics in Maltamo et al (2012).
Maltamo, M., Mehtatalo, L., Vauhkonen, J. and Packalen, P. 2012. Predicting and calibrating tree attributes by means of airborne laser scanning and field measurements. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: 1896-1907. doi:10.1139/x2012-134
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462.
Measurements of the breaking resistance of wood samples from a total of 118 downy birch (Betula pubescens) trees.
A data frame with 274 observations on the following 7 variables.
Tree id (numeric)
Breaking resistance, MPa
Wood density (as air-dry in 12-15% moisture) , g/cm^3
Fibre length, mm
Categorical with three levels indicating the position within the stem. 1=near the pitch (inside), 2=middle, 3=near the bark (outer).
Binary variable about the origin of the tree: 1=from seed, 0=sprouted.
Categorical site class with four levels.
A total of 1 - 4 wood samples per tree were collected. The samples were classified to three ring classes according to the distance of the sample from the pith. Each sample was measured destructively for breaking resistance in the laboratory. The measured variables also included wood density. The data has been collected by Hanna Joronen, Katri Luostarinen and Veikko Mottonen.
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
Joronen, H. 2020. Taivutusmurtolujuuteen ja kimmokertoimeen vaikuttavat tekijat hieskoivulla nuorpuussa ja aikuispuussa seka niiden mallintaminen lineaarisella sekamallilla. Master's thesis, University of Eastern Finland.
data(BrkRes) brmod1 <- lme(Resistance~RingClass+Density, random=~RingClass-1|Tree, data=BrkRes)
data(BrkRes) brmod1 <- lme(Resistance~RingClass+Density, random=~RingClass-1|Tree, data=BrkRes)
Adds circles of radii r at coordinates specified by x and y onto an existing plot.
x , y , r
Vectors of the x- and y- coordinates of the midpoints and the associated radii. Vectors x, y and r should be of the same length |
border , lty , lwd
the draving color, line type and line width of the perimeter line. Use border=NA to omit the perimeter. |
fill |
The color used to fill the circles. fill=NULL does not fill at all. |
This function is used for its side effects on the graphical display.
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
plot(0,type="n",xlim=c(-2,12),ylim=c(-2,12)) #Plot on average 7 tree crowns of Weibull-distributed radius at random locations n<-rpois(1,7) circle(x=runif(n,0,10), y=runif(n,0,10), r=rweibull(n,6,2))
plot(0,type="n",xlim=c(-2,12),ylim=c(-2,12)) #Plot on average 7 tree crowns of Weibull-distributed radius at random locations n<-rpois(1,7) circle(x=runif(n,0,10), y=runif(n,0,10), r=rweibull(n,6,2))
A function to compare the fit of the observed tree diameter data (d) to a specified diameter distribution (density).
d |
numeric vector of observed diameters |
density |
either a valid name for a probability density function in R or a vector of diameter class densities for diameter classes whose limits are given in vector limitsd |
power |
the weight used in error index. Value 2 gives BA weight, 0 (default) the unweighted |
limits |
the diameter class limits to compute the error index |
limitsd |
see the description of argument |
plot |
logical. Should a graph be produced to illustrate the ecdf of d and the cdf corresponding to density |
... |
additional arguments passed to function specified by a character-type density. e.g. Weibull shape and scale of if density="dweibull" |
The comparison is done for mean, variance and standard deviation and shape.
The shape is compared by computing the sum of absolute differences
(error index) in densities for the observed data and predicted density in diameter classes
specified by "limits". The error index has therefore a value between 0 (complete match) and
2 (complete mismatch). The error index is computed for the predicted density as such (ei1
and to a rescaled and switched density, which has exactly same mean and variance as the
given diameter data (e12
The error index is calculated as the sum of variable over the diameter classes, where
the midpoint of the diaemeter class and
is the difference in predicted and observed frequency.
By default,
A list of components
mudif |
The difference in means |
vardif |
The difference in variances |
sddif |
The difference in standard deviations |
ei1 |
the error index for original predicted distribution (see details) |
ei1 |
the error index for scaled predicted distribution (see details) |
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
# Example # Observed diameters d<-c(18.8,24.2,18.7,13.0,18.9,22.4,17.6,22.0,18.8,22.9, 16.7,13.7,20.6,15.1,31.8,17.2,19.6,16.8,19.3,27.4, 23.7,18.2,19.7,18.9,23.0,21.4,23.8,22.1,24.2,20.9) # Weibull(5,20) distribution in 1 cm classes (class limits from 0,...,60) f<-pweibull(1:60,5,20)-pweibull(0:59,5,20) # compare using the classified true distribution (approximate) ddcomp(d,density=f,limitsd=0:60,limits=0:100,plot=TRUE) # compare b specifying a Weibull dsitribution (accurate) ddcomp(d,density="dweibull",shape=5,scale=20,plot=TRUE)
# Example # Observed diameters d<-c(18.8,24.2,18.7,13.0,18.9,22.4,17.6,22.0,18.8,22.9, 16.7,13.7,20.6,15.1,31.8,17.2,19.6,16.8,19.3,27.4, 23.7,18.2,19.7,18.9,23.0,21.4,23.8,22.1,24.2,20.9) # Weibull(5,20) distribution in 1 cm classes (class limits from 0,...,60) f<-pweibull(1:60,5,20)-pweibull(0:59,5,20) # compare using the classified true distribution (approximate) ddcomp(d,density=f,limitsd=0:60,limits=0:100,plot=TRUE) # compare b specifying a Weibull dsitribution (accurate) ddcomp(d,density="dweibull",shape=5,scale=20,plot=TRUE)
Fits either linear or nonlinear Height-Diameter (H-D) model into a dataset of tree heights and diameters. Possible hierarchy of the data can be taken into account through random effects. Several commonly used nonlinear two-parameter H-D functions are available. Linear functions can be used as well.
fithd(d, h, plot=c(), modelName="naslund", nranp=2, random=NA, varf=0, na.omit=TRUE, start=NA, bh=1.3, control = list(), SubModels=NA, vfstart=0)
fithd(d, h, plot=c(), modelName="naslund", nranp=2, random=NA, varf=0, na.omit=TRUE, start=NA, bh=1.3, control = list(), SubModels=NA, vfstart=0)
d |
A numerical vector of tree diameters, usually given in cm. |
h |
A numerical vector of tree heights, usually given in meters. Should be of the same length as |
plot |
A vctor of type |
modelName |
Either (i) a character vector specifying the name of the nonlinear function or (ii) the formula specifying
a linear model.
In case (i) the name should be one of the functions documented on the help page of |
nranp , random
Parameters nranp and random specify two alternative ways to specify the random effects of the model. An easy but restricted way
is to use argument
In the case of linear model, the constant (if exists) it always counted as the first term. As an alternative to nranp, argument |
varf |
Numeric with values 0, 1 or 2. If 0 or FALSE, no variance function is used. If varf=1, 2 or TRUE, then the power- type variance function var(e)=sigma^2*w^(2*delta) is used. where weight w is the raw diameter (when varf=1 or TRUE), or w=max(1,dsd+3) (when varf=2), where dsd=(d-D)/SDD. Here d is tree diameter, D and SDD are the mean and standard deviation of diameters on the plot in question. |
na.omit |
Should missing heights be omitted. Defaults to |
start |
A vector of the starting values of the parameters of the nlme fit.
If NA, then the starting values are computed using
the function computing the starting values (e.g., startHDnaslund, see |
bh |
The applied breast height. Defaults to 1.3 (meters). |
control |
Parameters to control of the model fitting algorithm, see |
SubModels |
Implemented only for nonlinear models. A character vector of length 2 or 3,
according to the number of parameters in the model. It allows submodels for parameters a, b (and c), where
the parameter is explaiend by plot-specific mean diameter ("~dmean"), plot-specific standard deviation "~dsd",
or diameter standardized at plot level ("~dstd"), when the predictor is (d-D)/SDD (see teh documentation of argument varf).
Defaults to NA, which corresponds to no submodels, or |
vfstart |
Starting value of the power parameter delta of the variance function. Defaults to 0. |
Depending on the model (nonlinear or linear, mixed-effects model or marginal), the the model is
fitted using one of the following functions functions of the nlme
, lme
, gls
or gnls
See available H-D functions at HDmodels
. The user can define her own new functions
as specified at HDmodels
An object of class hdmod
, inheriting from class nlme
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
Mehtatalo, L., Gregoire, T.G., and de Miguel, S. Modeling Height-diameter curves for height prediction. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(7): 826-837, doi:10.1139/cjfr-2015-0054
for the available functions, Functions nlme
, gls
or gnls
for details on model fitting,
for imputing unobserved tree heights.
data(spati) fithd(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot) fithd(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot,SubModels=c("dmean","log(dmean)"),varf=2)
data(spati) fithd(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot) fithd(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot,SubModels=c("dmean","log(dmean)"),varf=2)
The net carbon dioxide exchange of late successional moss species (Sphagnum fuscum) samples under seven levels of photosynthetic photon flux density in cronosequence of land uplift mires on the Finnish side of Bothnia Bay in Siikajoki, Finland. Moss samples were transplanted from the late succession site (Site 6) to all sites and photosynthetic activity was measured one year later for those samples which had survived.
A data frame with 455 observations on the following 8 variables.
a factor with levels 1
,...,6 from the earliest successional stage to the latest
a factor with value 1
for samples with competitor removal treatment
and 0
for untreated control.
a factor with unique value for each of the 72 survived samples
moisture of the sample
Photosyntetically active radiation (photon flux density )
water table, cm
Net CO2 exchange, ,
a factor with unique value for each replicate
The number of transplanted replicates per site was 12, with two samples per replicate. One of the samples was treated with competing vegetation removal before transplanting whereas the other was left untreated. The 12 replicates per site were planted in locations with 2 to 3 different ground water table levels. A year after the transplanting, the photosynthetic activity (A) of the survived transplanted samples was recorded using seven artifically created light conditions ranging from complete darkness (PPFD=0) to extreme light conditions (PPFD=2000) using an open, fully controlled flow- through gas exchange fluorescence measurement system (GFS-3000; Walz, Effeltrich, Germany).
Laine, A.M., Ehonen, S., Juurola, E., Mehtatalo, L., and Tuittila, E-S. 2015. Performance of late succession species along a chronosequence: Environment does not exclude Sphagnum fuscum from the early stages of mire development. Journal of Vegetation Science 26(2): 291-301. doi:10.1111/jvs.12231
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
data(foto) LightResp<-function(PPFD,alpha=0.1,Pmax=10,A0=0) { A0+Pmax*PPFD/(alpha+PPFD) } library(nlme) model5<-nlme(A~LightResp(PARtop,alpha,Pmax,A0), fixed=list(alpha~Site+Treatment+moisture,Pmax~Site+Treatment,A0~Site), random=list(sample=Pmax+alpha~1), data=foto, start=c(c(80,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),c(100,0,0,0,0,0,0),c(-20,0,0,0,0,0)), verbose=TRUE)
data(foto) LightResp<-function(PPFD,alpha=0.1,Pmax=10,A0=0) { A0+Pmax*PPFD/(alpha+PPFD) } library(nlme) model5<-nlme(A~LightResp(PARtop,alpha,Pmax,A0), fixed=list(alpha~Site+Treatment+moisture,Pmax~Site+Treatment,A0~Site), random=list(sample=Pmax+alpha~1), data=foto, start=c(c(80,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),c(100,0,0,0,0,0,0),c(-20,0,0,0,0,0)), verbose=TRUE)
Nonlinear functions for modeling tree height on diameter. Usually called using fithd
HDnaslund(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDcurtis(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDmichailoff(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDmeyer(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDpower(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDnaslund2(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDnaslund3(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDnaslund4(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDmicment(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDmicment2(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDwykoff(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDprodan(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDlogistic(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDrichards(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDweibull(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDgomperz(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDsibbesen(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDkorf(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDratkowsky(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDhossfeldIV(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) startHDnaslund(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDcurtis(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDmichailoff(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDmeyer(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDpower(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDnaslund2(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDnaslund3(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDnaslund4(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDmicment(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDmicment2(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDwykoff(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDprodan(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDlogistic(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDrichards(d, h, bh=1.3, b=0.04) startHDweibull(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDgomperz(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDsibbesen(d, h, bh=1.3, a=0.5) startHDkorf(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDratkowsky(d, h, bh=1.3, c=5) startHDhossfeldIV(d, h, bh=1.3, c=5)
HDnaslund(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDcurtis(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDmichailoff(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDmeyer(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDpower(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDnaslund2(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDnaslund3(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDnaslund4(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDmicment(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDmicment2(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDwykoff(d, a, b, bh=1.3) HDprodan(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDlogistic(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDrichards(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDweibull(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDgomperz(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDsibbesen(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDkorf(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDratkowsky(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) HDhossfeldIV(d, a, b, c, bh=1.3) startHDnaslund(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDcurtis(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDmichailoff(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDmeyer(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDpower(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDnaslund2(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDnaslund3(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDnaslund4(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDmicment(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDmicment2(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDwykoff(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDprodan(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDlogistic(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDrichards(d, h, bh=1.3, b=0.04) startHDweibull(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDgomperz(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDsibbesen(d, h, bh=1.3, a=0.5) startHDkorf(d, h, bh=1.3) startHDratkowsky(d, h, bh=1.3, c=5) startHDhossfeldIV(d, h, bh=1.3, c=5)
d |
A vector of tree diameters, usually in cm |
h |
A vector of tree heights, usually in m. The observed heights should be always above or equal to |
a , b , c
Parameters a, b (and c for 3- parameter functions) of the applied function. See details for expressions of different functions. |
bh |
The applied height for the measurement of tree diameter (so called breast height). Of the same unit as |
The available 2- parameter functions are
The available 3- parameter functions are
Hossfeld IV:
For each model, two functions are provided: one computing the value of the H-D model for given diameters using given values of parameters a, b (and c), and another returning the initial guesses of a, b (and c) for given h-d data.
The initial guesses are in most cases computed by fitting a linearized version of the model into the provided h-d data using lm
For some 3- parameter versions,
no straightforward linearization is possible and one of the parameters is set to a fixed sensible constant.
Those values can be seen as additional arguments in the corresponding startHD - functions.
Details can be seen directly from the function definitions.
The user can define her own functions to be used with fithd
The case-sensitive naming of the functions should follow exactly the naming convention
shown above. In addition, the names of the of arguments, as well as their order,
should be the same as in the functions above.
The models are named according to references in
Zeide, B. 1993. Analysis of growth equations. Forest Science 39(3):594-616. doi:10.1093/forestscience/39.3.594
Huang, S., Titus, S.J., and Wiens, D.P. 1992. Comparison of nonlinear height-diameter functiond for major Alberta tree species. Can J. For. Res. 22: 1297-1304. doi:10.1139/x92-172
Suggestions on naming and references on the functions are welcome.
For functions HDxxx, a vector of tree heights corresponding diameters d
is returned.
For functions startHDxxx, a named vector of initial estimates of a, b and (c).
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
Mehtatalo, L., Gregoire, T.G., and de Miguel, S. Modeling Height-diameter curves for height prediction. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(7): 826-837, doi:10.1139/cjfr-2015-0054
data(spati) theta<-startHDnaslund(spati$d,spati$h) plot(spati$d,spati$h) d<-seq(0,50) lines(d,HDnaslund(d,a=theta[1],b=theta[2]),col="red",lwd=5)
data(spati) theta<-startHDnaslund(spati$d,spati$h) plot(spati$d,spati$h) d<-seq(0,50) lines(d,HDnaslund(d,a=theta[1],b=theta[2]),col="red",lwd=5)
calculates the Horvitz–Thompson-like stand density estimate (number of trees) in a specified area based on a collection of detected trees.
is an internal function for surface area calculations that can handle empty sets.
is an internal function that forms a union of discs based on their center points and radii.
HTest(treelist, plotwindow, alpha) area_esh(W) gg_wind(treelist)
HTest(treelist, plotwindow, alpha) area_esh(W) gg_wind(treelist)
treelist |
A 3-column matrix containing the x and y coordinates of detected trees and their crown radii. |
plotwindow |
A |
alpha |
A tuning parameter that controls the calculation of detection probabilities, or detectabilities. Must have a value from -1 to 1. |
W |
A |
is the Horvitz–Thompson-like stand density estimator presented by Kansanen et al. (2016) to adjust individually detected trees for non-detection. It uses individual tree detection data, namely the locations and crown radii of detected trees, to calculate detection probabilities, or detectabilities, for every detected tree, and produces an estimate based on the detectabilities. The detectability for a certain tree is based on the planar set formed by the larger trees. The parameter alpha
controls how easy it is to detect a tree of certain size from under the larger trees. If alpha
=1, then the tree will be detected if it is not fully covered by the larger crowns. If alpha
=0, the tree will be detected if its center point is not covered. If alpha
=-1, the tree will be detected if it is fully outside the larger tree crowns.
The object treelist
can include trees that are not in the estimation area specified by plotwindow
. This can be useful to take into account possible edge effects, by including trees with center points outside plotwindow
that have crown discs that intersect plotwindow
. The estimate is calculated only using those trees that have crown center points in plotwindow
and gg_wind
are internal helper functions used by HTest
. First one is a shell for the spatstat
function area.owin
that takes into account that an intersection of two sets can be empty, represented in the calculations as NULL. The function returns 0 in this case. Otherwise, it returns the surface area of the window W
. The latter function forms a union of discs that is needed in the detectability calculations.
returns a list with two components:
N |
The estimated number of trees in |
treelist |
matrix with columns ”r” and ”detectability”, giving the tree crown radii that have been used in the estimation, as well as the detectabilities for trees with those crown radii. |
returns 0, if W
is NULL; otherwise, the surface area of W
returns a spatstat
object of class ”owin
” representing a set formed as a union of discs.
These functions require the package spatstat
(Baddeley et al. 2015) to work.
Kasper Kansanen <[email protected]>
Kansanen, K., Vauhkonen, J., Lahivaara, T., and Mehtatalo., L. (2016) Stand density estimators based on individual tree detection and stochastic geometry. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46(11):1359–1366. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2016-0181.
Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, London. doi:10.1201/b19708
Kansanen, K., Packalen, P., Lahivaara, T., Seppanen, A., Vauhkonen, J., Maltamo, M., and Mehtatalo., L. (2019) Horvitz–Thompson-like stand density estimation and functional k-NN in individual tree detection. Submitted manuscript.
# Generate a 10x10 meter square window: w<-square(10) # Generate 6 detected trees, 5 located in the window: x<-cbind(c(6.75, 8.65, 3.95, 2, 2, 11), c(1.36, 3.10, 6.66, 2, 4, 11), c(1.29, 2.31, 1.80, 2, 1.5, 3)) # Draw the set formed by the detected tree crowns: plot(w) plot(gg_wind(x), add=TRUE) # Calculate the results with different alpha: HTest(x, w, 1) HTest(x, w, 0) HTest(x, w, -0.75)
# Generate a 10x10 meter square window: w<-square(10) # Generate 6 detected trees, 5 located in the window: x<-cbind(c(6.75, 8.65, 3.95, 2, 2, 11), c(1.36, 3.10, 6.66, 2, 4, 11), c(1.29, 2.31, 1.80, 2, 1.5, 3)) # Draw the set formed by the detected tree crowns: plot(w) plot(gg_wind(x), add=TRUE) # Calculate the results with different alpha: HTest(x, w, 1) HTest(x, w, 0) HTest(x, w, -0.75)
calculates Horvitz–Thompson-like estimates of forest characteristics of interest in a specified circular area based on a collection of detected trees and their detection probabilities, or detectabilities. Also produces estimated variances and confidence intervals.
calculates detectabilities of trees in a circular plot sample.
takes a tree list and determines if the trees can be detected when a certain visibility-based detection condition is used.
is a helper function for preprocessing of tree lists: it takes a tree list and orders the trees based on their distance to plot centre point.
and cart_to_polar
are internal functions for transforming polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates and vice versa.
is an internal function that, given locations and diameters of discs, returns coordinates needed to define the areas behind the discs that are non-visible from the origin.
is an internal function that forms polygonal approximations of the planar sets that are non-visible from the origin.
HTest_cps(data, total=TRUE, confidence.level=0.95) detectability_cps(data, plot.radius, alpha=0, polar=TRUE, npoly=1024, delta=NULL) visibility_thinning_cps(data, plot.radius, alpha=0, polar=TRUE, npoly=1024, delta=NULL) ordering_cps(data, polar=TRUE) polar_to_cart(X) cart_to_polar(X) triangle_coords(X, plot.radius, polar=TRUE) shades(X, plot.radius, polar=TRUE)
HTest_cps(data, total=TRUE, confidence.level=0.95) detectability_cps(data, plot.radius, alpha=0, polar=TRUE, npoly=1024, delta=NULL) visibility_thinning_cps(data, plot.radius, alpha=0, polar=TRUE, npoly=1024, delta=NULL) ordering_cps(data, polar=TRUE) polar_to_cart(X) cart_to_polar(X) triangle_coords(X, plot.radius, polar=TRUE) shades(X, plot.radius, polar=TRUE)
data |
For |
total |
Do you want to estimate population totals (TRUE) or population means (FALSE)? |
confidence.level |
The level of the approximate confidence interval, a value between 0 and 1. For example, |
plot.radius |
Radius of the plot in which circular plot sampling has been performed. |
alpha |
A tuning parameter that controls the calculation of detection probabilities, or detectabilities. |
polar |
Are the locations of trees given in polar coordinates (TRUE) or cartesian coordinates (FALSE)? |
npoly |
Number of edges for the polygonal approximation of the plot boundary and the circles used to calculate the detection probabilities. Used if |
delta |
The tolerance of the polygonal approximation of of the plot boundary and the circles used to calculate the detection probabilities: the length of the arc that will be replaced by one edge of the polygon. If given value that is different from NULL tihs will override |
X |
For |
The function HTest_cps
produces estimates of forest characteristics of interest in a circular plot sampling situation. More specifically, it is assumed that an observer stands in a point and observes such trees that are within the fixed-area plot and are not hiding behind other trees. It is assumed that observer can record the locations and diameters of the trees that they observe. The observer can be a person or a piece of equipment, such as terrestrial laser scanner or camera.
The estimation is based on a Horvitz–Thompson-like estimator presented by Kansanen et al. (2019). This construction uses approximated detection probabilities, or detectabilities, that depend on the size and distance from the plot centre of the tree for which the probability is calculated, the nonvisible area produced by trees that are closer to the centre point, and a visibility based detection condition. It is assumed that the centre point of the sampling plot is the origin of the plane (0,0). The function detectability_cps
is used to calculate the detectabilities.
The confidence intervals that HTest_cps
produces are based on the t-distribution if less than 50 trees have been observed, and the standard normal distribution otherwise.
The parameter alpha
is a value between -1 and 1 and it controls the detection condition. alpha=1 means that trees are detected if the stems are fully visible to the observer, alpha=0 means that they are detected if the center point is visible, and alpha=-1 means that a tree is detected if any part of the stem is visible.
The estimation is not possible if the data contains trees that cover the plot centre point.
All of the variables related to distance and size, meaning the cartesian coordinates, the distance coordinate, plot.radius
, delta
, and tree diameters, should have the same unit, e.g. they should all be in metres.
The function visibility_thinning_cps
is useful for simulation-based testing of the estimator. Given a tree list, it classifies trees as either detected or not detected based on a visibility based detection condition.
The function ordering_cps
is a useful preprocessing step for tree lists over which estimation is needed. It reorders the rows of the tree list, corresponding to trees, based on the closest distance from the stem disc to the plot centre point. detectability_cps
and visibility_thinning_cps
use this ordering for their advantage, as this is the assumed order or sequence of detection. Be warned that even if you do not order the data with ordering_cps
these functions will, and will output tree lists with this ordering!
The functions polar_to_cart
, cart_to_polar
, triangle_coords
, and shades
are internal functions used by the two main functions. They can be useful for visualizing data.
returns a four-column matrix, the columns containing an estimate, estimated variance of the estimator, and lower and upper bound of the approximate confidence interval for the estimate. Rows of the matrix correspond to the forest characteristics of interest given in columns 2:ncol(data)
of the input matrix data
. If the input matrix has named columns, these names are used as row names of the output matrix.
returns a matrix with the locations and diameters of the trees given as input, the indicators of their detection, and the estimated detection probabilities.
returns a four-column matrix with the locations and diameters of the trees given as input and the indicators of their detection: 1, if a tree has been detected based on the detection condition given by alpha
, and 0, otherwise.
returns a matrix with same dimensions as the input matrix, rows being reordered in the assumed order of detection.
returns a two-column matrix of cartesian coordinates (x, y).
returns a two-column matrix of polar coordinates (r, phi).
returns an eight-column matrix, each row containing cartesian coordinates needed for forming a polygonal representation of an area behind a tree, nonvisible from the origin.
returns a list of owin
objects, each representing an area behind a tree, nonvisible from the origin.
These functions require the package spatstat
(Baddeley et al. 2015) to work.
Kasper Kansanen <[email protected]>
Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and Turner, R. (2015) Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, London. doi:10.1201/b19708
Kansanen, K., Packalen, P., Maltamo, M., and Mehtatalo, L. (2020+) Horvitz–Thompson-like estimation with distance-based detection probabilities for circular plot sampling of forests. Biometrics. doi:10.1111/biom.13312
## Not run: # Simulate a plot of radius 10 metres and stem density of 1000 trees/ha from the Poisson process: set.seed(1) N <- rpois(1, lambda=0.1*pi*10^2) proc <- cbind(10*sqrt(runif(N, 0 ,1)), runif(N, -pi, pi), rweibull(N, shape=12, scale=22)/100) # Preprocess the data to the right order: proc <- ordering_cps(proc) # Thin the data: thinned<-visibility_thinning_cps(data=proc, plot.radius=10, alpha=1) # Calculate the detection probabilities: detprob <- detectability_cps(data=thinned, plot.radius=10, alpha=1) # Calculate estimates of stand density (number of trees) and basal area # (the sum of areas covered by tree stems at breast height): mydata<-cbind(detprob[,5], 1, pi*detprob[,3]^2) HTest_cps(data=mydata) # Calculate estimate of mean DBH and a 99 per cent approximate confidence interval: mydata<-cbind(detprob[,5], detprob[,3]) HTest_cps(data=mydata, total=FALSE, confidence.level=0.99) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Simulate a plot of radius 10 metres and stem density of 1000 trees/ha from the Poisson process: set.seed(1) N <- rpois(1, lambda=0.1*pi*10^2) proc <- cbind(10*sqrt(runif(N, 0 ,1)), runif(N, -pi, pi), rweibull(N, shape=12, scale=22)/100) # Preprocess the data to the right order: proc <- ordering_cps(proc) # Thin the data: thinned<-visibility_thinning_cps(data=proc, plot.radius=10, alpha=1) # Calculate the detection probabilities: detprob <- detectability_cps(data=thinned, plot.radius=10, alpha=1) # Calculate estimates of stand density (number of trees) and basal area # (the sum of areas covered by tree stems at breast height): mydata<-cbind(detprob[,5], 1, pi*detprob[,3]^2) HTest_cps(data=mydata) # Calculate estimate of mean DBH and a 99 per cent approximate confidence interval: mydata<-cbind(detprob[,5], detprob[,3]) HTest_cps(data=mydata, total=FALSE, confidence.level=0.99) ## End(Not run)
A function to impute tree heights in a forest inventory situation where all trees have been measured for diameter but only some trees have been measured for height.
ImputeHeights(d, h, plot, modelName = "naslund", nranp = 2, varf = TRUE, addResidual = FALSE, makeplot=TRUE, level = 1, start=NA, bh=1.3, control=list(),random=NA)
ImputeHeights(d, h, plot, modelName = "naslund", nranp = 2, varf = TRUE, addResidual = FALSE, makeplot=TRUE, level = 1, start=NA, bh=1.3, control=list(),random=NA)
d |
A numerical vector of tree diameters, usually given in cm. |
h |
A numerical vector of tree heights, usually given in meters. Should be of the same length as |
plot |
A vector of type |
modelName |
Either (i) a character vector specifying the name of the nonlinear function or (ii) the formula specifying
a linear model.
In case (i) the name should be one of the functions documented on the help page of |
nranp |
Parameters nranp and random specify two alternative ways to specify the random effects of the model. An easy but restricted way
is to use argument
In the case of linear model, the constant (if exists) it always counted as the first term. As an alternative to nranp, argument |
varf |
Numeric with values 0, 1 or 2. If 0 or FALSE, no variance function is used. If varf=1, 2 or TRUE, then the power- type variance function var(e)=sigma^2*w^(2*delta) is used. where weight w is the raw diameter (when varf=1 or TRUE), or w=max(1,dsd+3) (when varf=2), where dsd=(d-D)/SDD. Here d is tree diameter, D and SDD are the mean and standard deviation of diameters on the plot in question. |
addResidual |
Boolean. If |
makeplot |
Should a residual plot of the fitted model be produced for evaluation of goodness of fit?
The plot is produced using the default arguments of function |
level |
The level of prediction. 0 means fixed-effect prediction and 1 means plot-level prediction using the random effects. Has no effect if |
start , bh , control , random
Arguments passed to |
The function predicts the missing heights using a nonlinear mixed-effects model or a nonlinear fixed-effects model. In mixed-effects model, plot-specific random effects can be used if other tree heights have been measured from the same plot. Also random, normally distributed residual can be added to the heights according to the estimated constant or heteroscedastic residual variance structure.
A list of components
h |
A vector of tree heights, including the measured heights for the trees with known height and imputed heights for the others. |
imputed |
A booelan vector of the same length as h, having value TRUE for imputed heights. Produced as |
model |
The fitted model that was used in imputation. Fitted using |
predType |
A vector of the same length as h, including information on the level of prediction. Value 0 means a measured height (no model prediction is used), value 1 means the plot-level prediction has been done using the estimated plot effects. Value 2 means that no sample trees were available and the prediction is based on fixed part only (if level=0) or on a simulated plot effect (if level=1). |
hpred |
Predicted heights for all trees. Equals to vector h for trees that had missing heights. |
Works only with the nonlinear functions specified in HDmodels
; does not work if the modelName is specified as a linear expression.
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
Mehtatalo, L., Gregoire, T.G., and de Miguel, S. Modeling Height-diameter curves for height prediction. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(7): 826-837, doi:10.1139/cjfr-2015-0054
for model fitting and plot.hdmod
for plotting.
data(spati) ImpFixed<-ImputeHeights(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot,level=0) ImpRandom<-ImputeHeights(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot,level=1,makeplot=FALSE) # Try also # ImpRanRes<-ImputeHeights(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot,level=1,addResidual=TRUE,makeplot=FALSE) plot(spati$d[!is.na(spati$h)], spati$h[!is.na(spati$h)], col=spati$plot[!is.na(spati$h)], main="Observations", xlab="d, cm", ylab="h, m", ylim=c(0,30)) plot(spati$d[ImpFixed$imputed], ImpFixed$h[ImpFixed$imputed], col=spati$plot[ImpFixed$imputed], main="Imputed, Naslund, Fixed", xlab="d, cm", ylab="h, m", ylim=c(0,30)) plot(spati$d[ImpRandom$imputed], ImpRandom$h[ImpRandom$imputed], col=spati$plot[ImpRandom$imputed], main="Imputed, Naslund, Fixed + Plot", xlab="d, cm", ylab="h, m", ylim=c(0,30)) # Try also # plot(spati$d[ImpRanRes$imputed], # ImpRanRes$h[ImpRanRes$imputed], # col=spati$plot[ImpRanRes$imputed], # main="Imputed, Naslund, Fixed + Plot + Tree", xlab="d, cm", ylab="h, m", # ylim=c(0,30))
data(spati) ImpFixed<-ImputeHeights(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot,level=0) ImpRandom<-ImputeHeights(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot,level=1,makeplot=FALSE) # Try also # ImpRanRes<-ImputeHeights(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot,level=1,addResidual=TRUE,makeplot=FALSE) plot(spati$d[!is.na(spati$h)], spati$h[!is.na(spati$h)], col=spati$plot[!is.na(spati$h)], main="Observations", xlab="d, cm", ylab="h, m", ylim=c(0,30)) plot(spati$d[ImpFixed$imputed], ImpFixed$h[ImpFixed$imputed], col=spati$plot[ImpFixed$imputed], main="Imputed, Naslund, Fixed", xlab="d, cm", ylab="h, m", ylim=c(0,30)) plot(spati$d[ImpRandom$imputed], ImpRandom$h[ImpRandom$imputed], col=spati$plot[ImpRandom$imputed], main="Imputed, Naslund, Fixed + Plot", xlab="d, cm", ylab="h, m", ylim=c(0,30)) # Try also # plot(spati$d[ImpRanRes$imputed], # ImpRanRes$h[ImpRanRes$imputed], # col=spati$plot[ImpRanRes$imputed], # main="Imputed, Naslund, Fixed + Plot + Tree", xlab="d, cm", ylab="h, m", # ylim=c(0,30))
The total number of fungal species (ophistomatoid and non-ophistomatoid fungi are coded separately) associated with Ips typographus bark beetle individuals and their mites.
A data frame with 298 observations (bark betle individuals) on the following 5 variables.
The total number of fungal species associated with the individual bark beetle.
The number of ophistomatoid fungal species.
The number of non-ophistomatoid fungal species. The three first variables are related through .
Categorical time of data collection with three levels: spring, summer or fall. The default is spring.
The number of mites found in the bark beetle.
The ophiostomatoid fungal families Microascales and Ophiostomatales are common associates of bark beetle Ips typographus, which they use to spread within the wood material. The number of fungal species in these families is high, and a certain beetle individual can carry several fungal species with it. The bark beetles may have mites attached to them, and it may be possible that some fungal species are associated to the beetles only through the mites.
The dataset includes measurements of 289 bark beetle individuals from a storm-felled Norway spruce forest in eastern Finland. For each individual, the number of attached mites was determined using a microscope. In addition the number of fungal species per bark beetle was determined genetically. However, it was not possible to determine whether the fungi were associated with the mites or the bark beetle itself. The observations were collected at three different seasons: spring, summer and fall of the same year, approximately 100 individuals in each season. The data are used to analyze the effects of season and number of mites on the number of fungal species per bark beetle.
Linnakoski, R., Mahilainen, S., Harrington, A., Vanhanen, H., Eriksson, M., Mehtatalo, L., Pappinen, A., Wingfield, M.J. 2016. The seasonal succession of fungi associated with Ips typographus beetles and their phoretic mites in an outbreak region of Finland. PLOS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155622.
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
data(ips) ips$Mites2<-ips$Mites-mean(ips$Mites) mod1<-glm(Fungi~Season+Mites,family=poisson,data=ips)
data(ips) ips$Mites2<-ips$Mites-mean(ips$Mites) mod1<-glm(Fungi~Season+Mites,family=poisson,data=ips)
Orders the observations by x
and thereafter plots y
on x
and connects observations of the same group by lines.
Useful, for example, to plot a longitudinal dataset.
linesplot(x, y, group, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", main = "", cex = 0.5, pch = 19, col = 1, col.lin = 1, lw = FALSE, ylim = NULL, xlim = NULL, add = FALSE, lty = "solid", lwd=1)
linesplot(x, y, group, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", main = "", cex = 0.5, pch = 19, col = 1, col.lin = 1, lw = FALSE, ylim = NULL, xlim = NULL, add = FALSE, lty = "solid", lwd=1)
x , y
Numerical vectors of the same length including the x and y variables. |
group |
The variable specifying the group. Should be of the same length as vectors x and y. |
xlab , ylab , main , cex , pch , col , col.lin , xlim , ylim , lty , lwd
Graphical parameters, see |
lw |
Boolean. Whether a loess smoother to be added onto the plot. |
add |
Boolean. Whether to add to an existing plot or to open a new window. |
The observations within the group are connected at the increasing order of x
Used for its side effects.
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
D<-rep(seq(10,30),10) H<-(20+rep(rnorm(10,0,0.5),each=21))*exp(-1.5*D^(-1.3)) plot<-rep(1:10,each=21) linesplot(D,H,plot)
D<-rep(seq(10,30),10) H<-(20+rep(rnorm(10,0,0.5),each=21))*exp(-1.5*D^(-1.3)) plot<-rep(1:10,each=21) linesplot(D,H,plot)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the four-parameter logit-logistic distribution.
dll(x, mu, sigma, xi=0, lambda=1, log = FALSE) pll(q, mu, sigma, xi=0, lambda=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qll(p, mu, sigma, xi=0, lambda=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rll(n, mu, sigma, xi=0, lambda=1)
dll(x, mu, sigma, xi=0, lambda=1, log = FALSE) pll(q, mu, sigma, xi=0, lambda=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qll(p, mu, sigma, xi=0, lambda=1, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rll(n, mu, sigma, xi=0, lambda=1)
x , q
vector of quantiles |
p |
vector of probabilitiies |
n |
number of observations. If |
mu , sigma , xi , lambda
parameters of the distribution, |
log , log.p
logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p) |
lower.tail |
logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are |
The logit-logistic cdf and pdf are
Parameter is the minimum,
the width of range (max-min),
controls the skewness and
the curtosis.
gives the density, pll
gives the distribution function, qll
gives the quantile function, and rll
generates random deviates.
Invalid arguments will result in return value NaN
The length of the result is determined by n
for rll
, and is the maximum of the lengths of the numerical arguments for the other functions.
The numerical arguments other than n
are recycled to the length of the result. Only the first elements of the logical arguments are used.
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
Mingliang Wang and Keith Rennolls, 2005. Tree diameter distribution modelling: introducing the logit-logistic distribution. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35(6): 1305-1313, doi:10.1139/x05-057.
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
data(spati) d<-spati$d[spati$plot==22] hist(d,freq=FALSE) d0<-seq(0,60,0.1) lines(d0,dll(d0,0.630,0.573,3.561,35.2))
data(spati) d<-spati$d[spati$plot==22] hist(d,freq=FALSE) d0<-seq(0,60,0.1) lines(d0,dll(d0,0.630,0.573,3.561,35.2))
A function for adding vertical lines onto residual plots to show
95% confidence intervals of means or
95% confidence intervals for individual observations
in the classes of the variable on the x-axis. Plot of the first type is useful for analyzing the fit of the assumed fixed part and plots of type b can be used to analyze the homogeneity of residuals.
mywhiskers(x, y, nclass = 10, limits = NA, add = FALSE, se = TRUE, main = "", xlab = "x", ylab = "y", ylim = NA, lwd = 1, highlight = "red")
mywhiskers(x, y, nclass = 10, limits = NA, add = FALSE, se = TRUE, main = "", xlab = "x", ylab = "y", ylim = NA, lwd = 1, highlight = "red")
x |
The variable on the x-axis. Usually one of the predictors or the predicted value. |
y |
The variable on the y-axis. Usually model residual. |
nclass |
The maximum number of classes to be used. |
limits |
The class limits. Alternative to nclass. |
add |
logical. Whether a new graphic window is opened or the lines will be added into an exosting plot. |
se |
Logical. Use standard errors of means (se=TRUE, option (a) above) or class-specific standard deviations (se=FALSE, option (b) above). |
main , xlab , ylab , ylim , lwd
Graphical parameters of the plot. ignored if |
highlight |
The color for lines that do not cross the y-axis. |
The function first classifies the data in nclass
classes of variable x so that
each class has approximately equal number of observations.
Then the class mean and deviation s is computed for each class, where s is either
the standard error of the mean (if se=TRUE
or standard deviation (if se=FALSE
A vertical line is plotted at the middle of each class showing the class mean by a dot and
lines of length 3.92*s. If the line does not cross the x- axis, then the highlight color is used in the line.
With small number of observations (or lot of ties), the number of classes is decreased until
each class includes the minimum of 2 observations.
The function is usually used for its side effects (i.e., the plot). However, the values used in producing the plot are returned in a list of elements
x: the class middlepoint x
m: class-specific means of y
s: class-specific standard deviations or standard errors of y
(see details).
lb: lower ends of the class-specific lines.
ub: upper ends of the lines.
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
x<-seq(1,100,1) y<-x+10*log(x)+rnorm(100,0,5) fm1<-lm(y~x) plot(x,resid(fm1)) mywhiskers(x,resid(fm1),se=FALSE,add=TRUE) mywhiskers(x,resid(fm1),se=TRUE,lwd=2,add=TRUE) abline(h=0)
x<-seq(1,100,1) y<-x+10*log(x)+rnorm(100,0,5) fm1<-lm(y~x) plot(x,resid(fm1)) mywhiskers(x,resid(fm1),se=FALSE,add=TRUE) mywhiskers(x,resid(fm1),se=TRUE,lwd=2,add=TRUE) abline(h=0)
Solves an equation equation of form , for scalar
using the Newton-Raphson algorithm.
NR(init, fn, gr, crit = 6, range = c(-Inf, Inf))
NR(init, fn, gr, crit = 6, range = c(-Inf, Inf))
init |
Numeric scalar, The initial guess for |
fn |
An R-function returning the scalar value of |
gr |
An R-function returning the first derivative of |
crit |
Convergence criteria. The upper limit for the absolute value of |
range |
A two-unit vector giving the upper and lower bounds for |
The function is a straightforward implementation of the well-known Newton-Raphson algorithm.
A list of components
par |
the value of |
crit |
the value of |
If estimation fails (no solution is found during 100000 iterations), both e lements of the solution are NA's.
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
See NRnum
for a vector-valued x without analytical gradients.
## Numerically solve Weibull shape for a stand ## where DGM=15cm, G=15m^2/ha and N=1000 trees per ha func<-function(shape,G,N,DGM) { ## print(G,DGM,N) val<-pi/(4*gamma(1-2/shape)*log(2)^(2/shape))-G/(N*DGM^2) val } grad<-function(shape) { pi/4*(-1)* (gamma(1-2/shape)*log(2)^(2/shape))^(-2)* (gamma(1-2/shape)*digamma(1-2/shape)*2*shape^(-2)*log(2)^(2/shape)+ log(2)^(2/shape)*log(log(2))*(-2)*shape^(-2)*gamma(1-2/shape)) } shape<-NR(5,fn=function(x) func(x,G=10000*15,1000,15),gr=grad,crit=10,range=c(2.1,Inf))$par
## Numerically solve Weibull shape for a stand ## where DGM=15cm, G=15m^2/ha and N=1000 trees per ha func<-function(shape,G,N,DGM) { ## print(G,DGM,N) val<-pi/(4*gamma(1-2/shape)*log(2)^(2/shape))-G/(N*DGM^2) val } grad<-function(shape) { pi/4*(-1)* (gamma(1-2/shape)*log(2)^(2/shape))^(-2)* (gamma(1-2/shape)*digamma(1-2/shape)*2*shape^(-2)*log(2)^(2/shape)+ log(2)^(2/shape)*log(log(2))*(-2)*shape^(-2)*gamma(1-2/shape)) } shape<-NR(5,fn=function(x) func(x,G=10000*15,1000,15),gr=grad,crit=10,range=c(2.1,Inf))$par
Solves a system of equations of form ,
using the multidimensional version of the Newton-Raphson algorithm.
The gradients are solved numerically within the function using R-function
NRnum(init, fnlist, crit = 6, ...)
NRnum(init, fnlist, crit = 6, ...)
init |
vector of initial values for |
fnlist |
list of R-functions for |
crit |
Convergence criterion. Stop iteration when ( |
... |
Other arguments passed to the functions of |
A list of components
par |
the value of vector |
crit |
the value of the convergence criterion at the solution |
If estimation fails (no solution is found during 100 iterations), both elements of the solution are NA's.
Lauri Mehtatalo, <[email protected]>
Function NR
# Moment-based recovery of Weibull parameters mu<-14 mu2<-210 muf<-function(theta) theta[2]*gamma(1+1/theta[1])-mu mu2f<-function(theta) theta[2]^2*gamma(1+2/theta[1])-mu2 functions<-list(muf,mu2f) momrec<-NRnum(c(3,13),functions) momrec$par
# Moment-based recovery of Weibull parameters mu<-14 mu2<-210 muf<-function(theta) theta[2]*gamma(1+1/theta[1])-mu mu2f<-function(theta) theta[2]^2*gamma(1+2/theta[1])-mu2 functions<-list(muf,mu2f) momrec<-NRnum(c(3,13),functions) momrec$par
Growth ring measurements of 88 trees of a long-term thinning experiment on a naturally regenerated Scots pine stand in Eastern Finland.
A data frame with 3604 observations on the following 9 variables.
Sample plot id, a factor with 10 levels.
Tree id, a factor with 55 levels (same tree id may occur on different plots!).
Thinning treatment, factor with 4 levels (1=Control, 2=Light, 3=Moderate, 4=Heavy).
Tree diameter in year 1986, just before the thinning.
Calendar year of the ring.
Current tree age in years.
Ring width,
Ring density,
Ring Basal area,
Long-term thinning experiment on a naturally regenerated Scots pine stand in Eastern Finland. The experiment consists of 10 sample plots, in four different classes according to the post-thinning stand density. The plots were thinned in winter 1986-1987. In winter 2006–2007, 10 trees were felled from each plot. A radial 5mm by 5mm segment from pith to bark was cut from each tree at height 1.3 meter height. Ring widths from pith to bark were analyzed for each sample, using an ITRAX X-ray microdensitometer an post-processed to create ring widths from pith to bark were determined for each disc. The ring widths were further transformed to ring basal areas by assuming circular, growth rings. For 12 trees, ring widths could not be extracted. The data includes ring widths for a total of 88 trees between years 1991-2005.
Mehtatalo, L., Peltola, H., Kilpelainen, A. and Ikonen, V.-P. 2014. The response of basal area growth of Scots pine to thinning: A longitudinal analysis of tree-specific series using a nonlinear mixed-effects model. Forest Science 60 (4): pp. 636-644. doi:10.5849/forsci.13-059.
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462.
, thefdata
, thinning
data(afterthin) par(mfcol=c(2,1),cex=0.7,mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.5,0.1)) linesplot(afterthin$CA, afterthin$RBA, group=afterthin$Plot:afterthin$Tree, col.lin=as.numeric(afterthin$SDClass),cex=0, xlab="Tree age", ylab=expression("Ring basal area, "*mm^2)) linesplot(afterthin$Year, afterthin$RBA, group=afterthin$Plot:afterthin$Tree, col.lin=as.numeric(afterthin$SDClass),cex=0, xlab="Year", ylab=expression("Ring basal area, "*mm^2))
data(afterthin) par(mfcol=c(2,1),cex=0.7,mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.5,0.1)) linesplot(afterthin$CA, afterthin$RBA, group=afterthin$Plot:afterthin$Tree, col.lin=as.numeric(afterthin$SDClass),cex=0, xlab="Tree age", ylab=expression("Ring basal area, "*mm^2)) linesplot(afterthin$Year, afterthin$RBA, group=afterthin$Plot:afterthin$Tree, col.lin=as.numeric(afterthin$SDClass),cex=0, xlab="Year", ylab=expression("Ring basal area, "*mm^2))
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the percentile-based distribution.
dPercbas(x, xi, F) pPercbas(q, xi, F) qPercbas(p, xi, F) rPercbas(n, xi, F)
dPercbas(x, xi, F) pPercbas(q, xi, F) qPercbas(p, xi, F) rPercbas(n, xi, F)
x , q
vector of quantiles |
p |
vector of probabilitiies |
n |
number of observations. If |
xi |
Strictly increasing vector of percentiles corresponding to the cumulative probabilities given in |
F |
a |
The percentile-based distribution is defined by the quantiles xi
that correspond to the cumulative probabilities given in F
The continuous distribution is obtained by linear interpolation of the cdf.
gives the density, pll
gives the distribution function, qll
gives the quantile function, and rll
generates random deviates.
The length of the result is determined by n
for rPercbas
, and by the length of x
, q
and p
for the other functions.
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
Borders B. E., Souter R. A., Bailey. R. L., and Ware, K. D. 1987. Percentile-based distributions characterize forest stand tables. Forest Science 33(2): 570-576.
Mehtatalo, L. 2005. Localizing a predicted diameter distribution using sample information. Forest Science 51(4): 292–302.
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020a. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020b. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. Full Versions of The Web Examples. Available at http://www.biombook.org.
d0<-seq(0,30,0.01) d<-c(5,7,10,11,11.7,13,15,19,22,24,25,28.5) plot(d0,pPercbas(d0,d),type="l") hist(rPercbas(1000,d),breaks=seq(0,30,1),freq=FALSE,ylim=c(0,0.15)) lines(d0,dPercbas(d0,d),col="red")
d0<-seq(0,30,0.01) d<-c(5,7,10,11,11.7,13,15,19,22,24,25,28.5) plot(d0,pPercbas(d0,d),type="l") hist(rPercbas(1000,d),breaks=seq(0,30,1),freq=FALSE,ylim=c(0,0.15)) lines(d0,dPercbas(d0,d),col="red")
Grouped Norway Spruce regeneration establishment data.
A data frame with 1926 observations (fixed-area sample plots) from a total of 123 forest stands, with the following 8 variables.
The number of spruce saplings (both planted and natural)
The stand id)
The mean height of deciduous tree species
Site preparation method, categorical with 4 levels
Binary indicator for stoniness
Binary indicator for wetness
The data are collected from 123 fixed-area sample plots with similar age of planted spruce saplings. The variables have been measured on fixed-area plots.
Miina, J. and Saksa, T. 2006. Predicting regeneration establishment in Norway spruce plantations using a multivariate multilevel model. New Forests 32: 265-283. doi:10.1007/s11056-006-9002-y
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
data(plants) library(lme4) ## Not run: glmm1<-glmer(spruces ~ (1|stand)+hdecid+as.factor(prepar)+as.factor(stones)+as.factor(wet), family=poisson(), data=plants) ## End(Not run)
data(plants) library(lme4) ## Not run: glmm1<-glmer(spruces ~ (1|stand)+hdecid+as.factor(prepar)+as.factor(stones)+as.factor(wet), family=poisson(), data=plants) ## End(Not run)
Independent Norway Spruce regeneration establishment data.
A data frame with 123 observations on the following 8 variables.
The number of planted spruce saplings on the plot
The number of natural pine saplings
The number of natural spruce saplings
The number natural birch saplings
The number of natural saplings of other species
The mean height of crop species
The mean height of deciduous tree species
Site fertility class (small number indicates more fertile site)
The data are collected from 123 fixed-area sample plots with similar age of planted spruce saplings. The number of saplings per species and the height of crop species (spruce and pine) and competing vegetation (birch and other broadleaved trees) has been recorded for all plots. The data includes one plot per forest stand.
Miina, J. and Saksa, T. 2006. Predicting regeneration establishment in Norway spruce plantations using a multivariate multilevel model. New Forests 32: 265-283. doi:10.1007/s11056-006-9002-y
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
data(plants2) glm1 <- glm(spruces ~ hdecid, family=quasipoisson(), data=plants2)
data(plants2) glm1 <- glm(spruces ~ hdecid, family=quasipoisson(), data=plants2)
Plotting method for class hdmod
## S3 method for class 'hdmod' plot(x, col.point = "blue", highlight = "red", standd = TRUE, cex=1, corD=FALSE, ask=TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'hdmod' plot(x, col.point = "blue", highlight = "red", standd = TRUE, cex=1, corD=FALSE, ask=TRUE, ...)
x |
A H-D model model fitted by |
col.point |
The color used for data points |
highlight |
The color used to higlight classes with mean sighnificantly different from zero |
standd |
Plot residuals against diameter standardized using the plot-specific mean and diameter ( |
cex |
See |
corD |
should predictions of random effects be plotted on mean diameter of the plot. |
ask |
ask before new plot. |
... |
Other arguments, currently ignored. |
The function makes residual plots on a fitted H-D model, which can be used to explore whether the fixed part
satisfactorily models the shape of H-D models.
The residuals are plotted on diameters standardized at plot level (dsd) or on raw diameters (d) according to argument standd
Here , where
is tree diameter,
are the mean and standard deviation
of diameters on the plot in question. Using plot-specific standardized diameter ensures that e.g.,
the medium-sized trees of the plot are always in the middle of the plot, which provides
a better graph to explore the fit at the plot level in a dataset where the diameter range varies between plots.
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
The function plots model residuals on the required type of diameter and adds a whiskers plot
using mywhiskers
with argument se=TRUE
data(spati) model<-fithd(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot) plot(model)
data(spati) model<-fithd(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot) plot(model)
Predict individual tree volumes using the functions of Laasasenaho(1982). The volume prediction can be based on tree diameter or tree diameter and height. The functions applying upper stem diameter have not (yet) been implemented.
species |
The vector of tree species. 1:Pine, 2:Spruce, 3: Silver birch. 4: Downy birch. Other codes than 1-4 are accepted but return NA as the volume prediction. |
d |
The vector of tree diameters at breast height (cm) |
h |
The vector of tree heights. Used only if model=2. |
model |
The model used. If model is 1, the prediction is based on tree diameter only. If model=2, then diameter and height are used. |
Vectors species, dbh and height should be either scalars or vectors of the same length so that each element corresponds to one individual tree.
A vector of tree volumes (in liters).
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
Laasasenaho, Jouko 1982. Taper curve and volume functions for pine, spruce and birch. Comm. Inst. For. Fenn 108: 1-74.
d<-c(15,18.3,29.3,22.4) h<-c(13,18,22,19) species<-c(1,1,1,3) predvol(species,d,h,model=2) predvol(species,d,model=1)
d<-c(15,18.3,29.3,22.4) h<-c(13,18,22,19) species<-c(1,1,1,3) predvol(species,d,h,model=2) predvol(species,d,model=1)
Produces a panel of graphs including the Normal qq-plot of a H-D model residuals and of the predicted random effects.
qqplotHD(model, startnew=TRUE)
qqplotHD(model, startnew=TRUE)
model |
A nonlinear H-D model model fitted by |
startnew |
Should a new plotting window be opened? |
The function extracts the residuals and the random effects of the fitted Height-Diameter model and produces a panel of plots including univariate Normal qq-plots of the model.
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
data(spati) model<-fithd(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot) qqplotHD(model)
data(spati) model<-fithd(spati$d,spati$h,spati$plot) qqplotHD(model)
Function qtree.moments
finds the expected value and variance for ;
:th smallest observation in an iid sample of size n
from a population with a percentile-based distribution.
Function qtree.jointdens
computes the bivariate pdf for two quantiles from the same sample, where
Function qtree.exy
approximates expected value of the product , i.e. the
integral of function
over the two-dimensional range of
by computing for each percentile interval the function mean in a regular npts*npts grid and multiplying the mean by the area.
Function qtree.varcov
returns the expected valuers, cumulative percentage values and the variance-covariance matrices
that correspond to given sample quantiles and underlying percentile-based distribution of the population.
Function interpolate.D
does a bilinear interpolation of the variance-covariance matrix of percentiles
that correspond to values F
of the cdf to values that correspond to values
qtree.moments(r,n,xi,F) qtree.jointdens(x,r1,r2,n,xi,F) qtree.exy(r1,r2,n,xi,F,npts=100) qtree.varcov(obs,xi,F) interpolate.D(D,ppi,F)
qtree.moments(r,n,xi,F) qtree.jointdens(x,r1,r2,n,xi,F) qtree.exy(r1,r2,n,xi,F,npts=100) qtree.varcov(obs,xi,F) interpolate.D(D,ppi,F)
r , r1 , r2
The ranks of the sample order statistics. |
n |
The sample size |
xi |
The percentiles that specify the cdf in increasing order. The first element should be the population minimum and the last element should be the population maximum. A vector of same length as |
F |
The values of the cdf that correspond to the percentiles of |
x |
a matrix with two columns that gives the x-values for which the joint density is computed in |
npts |
The number of regularly placed points that is used in the integral approximation of |
obs |
A data frame of observed sample quantiles, possibly from several plots. The data frame should include
(at least) columns |
D |
The variance-covariance matrix of the residual errors (plot effects) of percentile models. The number of columns and rows should equal to the length of |
ppi |
The values of cdf for which the covariances needs to be interpolated in |
Function qtree.moments
returns a list with elements
mu |
The expected value of |
sigma2 |
The variance of |
x , y
y gives the values of the pdf of |
Function qtree.jointdens
returns a vector with length equal to the nrow(x)
, including the values of the joint pdf of in these points.
Function qtree.exy
returns a scalar, the approximate of .
Function qtree.varcov
returns a list with elements
obs |
The original input data frame, augmented with the expected values in column |
R |
The variance-covariance matrix of the sample quantiles. |
Function interpolate.D
returns a list with elements
D |
The original variance-covariance matrix, augmented with the variances and covariances
that correspond to the cdf values |
F |
The values of cdf that correspond to the augmented matrix |
D1 |
The variance-covariance matrix of the percentiles that correspond to the cdf values given in |
D2 |
The covariance matrix between the percentiles that correspond to |
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
Mehtatalo, L. 2005. Localizing a predicted diameter distribution using sample information. Forest Science 51(4): 292–302.
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020a. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020b. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. Full Versions of The Web Examples. Available at http://www.biombook.org.
F<-c(0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,0.95,1) # Predictions of logarithmic percentiles xi<-c(1.638,2.352,2.646,2.792,2.91,2.996,3.079,3.151,3.234,3.349,3.417,3.593) # The variance of their prediction errors D<-matrix(c(0.161652909,0.050118692,0.022268974,0.010707222,0.006888751,0, 0.000209963,-0.002739361,-0.005478838,-0.00655718,-0.006718843,-0.009819052, 0.050118692,0.074627668,0.03492943,0.01564454,0.008771398,0, -0.002691651,-0.005102312,-0.007290366,-0.008136685,-0.00817717,-0.009026883, 0.022268974,0.03492943,0.029281808,0.014958206,0.009351904,0, -0.002646641,-0.003949305,-0.00592412,-0.006556639,-0.006993025,-0.007742731, 0.010707222,0.01564454,0.014958206,0.014182608,0.009328299,0, -0.001525745,-0.002448765,-0.003571811,-0.004470387,-0.004791053,-0.005410252, 0.006888751,0.008771398,0.009351904,0.009328299,0.009799233,0, -0.000925308,-0.001331631,-0.002491679,-0.003277911,-0.003514961,-0.003663479, rep(0,12), 0.000209963,-0.002691651,-0.002646641,-0.001525745,-0.000925308,0, 0.003186033,0.003014887,0.002961818,0.003112953,0.003050486,0.002810937, -0.002739361,-0.005102312,-0.003949305,-0.002448765,-0.001331631,0, 0.003014887,0.00592428,0.005843888,0.005793879,0.005971638,0.006247869, -0.005478838,-0.007290366,-0.00592412,-0.003571811,-0.002491679,0, 0.002961818,0.005843888,0.00868157,0.008348973,0.008368812,0.008633202, -0.00655718,-0.008136685,-0.006556639,-0.004470387,-0.003277911,0, 0.003112953,0.005793879,0.008348973,0.011040791,0.010962609,0.010906917, -0.006718843,-0.00817717,-0.006993025,-0.004791053,-0.003514961,0, 0.003050486,0.005971638,0.008368812,0.010962609,0.013546621,0.013753718, -0.009819052,-0.009026883,-0.007742731,-0.005410252,-0.003663479,0, 0.002810937,0.006247869,0.008633202,0.010906917,0.013753718,0.02496596),ncol=12) # observed tree data, 5 trees from 2 plots obs<-data.frame(r=c(1,3,6,1,2),n=c(7,7,7,9,9),plot=c(1,1,1,2,2),d=c(10,11,27,8,12)) # See Example 11.33 in Mehtatalo and Lappi 2020b qtrees<-qtree.varcov(obs,xi,F) obs<-qtrees$obs mustar<-obs$Ed ystar<-log(obs$d) R<-qtrees$R Dtayd<-interpolate.D(D,obs$pEd)
F<-c(0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,0.95,1) # Predictions of logarithmic percentiles xi<-c(1.638,2.352,2.646,2.792,2.91,2.996,3.079,3.151,3.234,3.349,3.417,3.593) # The variance of their prediction errors D<-matrix(c(0.161652909,0.050118692,0.022268974,0.010707222,0.006888751,0, 0.000209963,-0.002739361,-0.005478838,-0.00655718,-0.006718843,-0.009819052, 0.050118692,0.074627668,0.03492943,0.01564454,0.008771398,0, -0.002691651,-0.005102312,-0.007290366,-0.008136685,-0.00817717,-0.009026883, 0.022268974,0.03492943,0.029281808,0.014958206,0.009351904,0, -0.002646641,-0.003949305,-0.00592412,-0.006556639,-0.006993025,-0.007742731, 0.010707222,0.01564454,0.014958206,0.014182608,0.009328299,0, -0.001525745,-0.002448765,-0.003571811,-0.004470387,-0.004791053,-0.005410252, 0.006888751,0.008771398,0.009351904,0.009328299,0.009799233,0, -0.000925308,-0.001331631,-0.002491679,-0.003277911,-0.003514961,-0.003663479, rep(0,12), 0.000209963,-0.002691651,-0.002646641,-0.001525745,-0.000925308,0, 0.003186033,0.003014887,0.002961818,0.003112953,0.003050486,0.002810937, -0.002739361,-0.005102312,-0.003949305,-0.002448765,-0.001331631,0, 0.003014887,0.00592428,0.005843888,0.005793879,0.005971638,0.006247869, -0.005478838,-0.007290366,-0.00592412,-0.003571811,-0.002491679,0, 0.002961818,0.005843888,0.00868157,0.008348973,0.008368812,0.008633202, -0.00655718,-0.008136685,-0.006556639,-0.004470387,-0.003277911,0, 0.003112953,0.005793879,0.008348973,0.011040791,0.010962609,0.010906917, -0.006718843,-0.00817717,-0.006993025,-0.004791053,-0.003514961,0, 0.003050486,0.005971638,0.008368812,0.010962609,0.013546621,0.013753718, -0.009819052,-0.009026883,-0.007742731,-0.005410252,-0.003663479,0, 0.002810937,0.006247869,0.008633202,0.010906917,0.013753718,0.02496596),ncol=12) # observed tree data, 5 trees from 2 plots obs<-data.frame(r=c(1,3,6,1,2),n=c(7,7,7,9,9),plot=c(1,1,1,2,2),d=c(10,11,27,8,12)) # See Example 11.33 in Mehtatalo and Lappi 2020b qtrees<-qtree.varcov(obs,xi,F) obs<-qtrees$obs mustar<-obs$Ed ystar<-log(obs$d) R<-qtrees$R Dtayd<-interpolate.D(D,obs$pEd)
The function finds such parameters shape and scale of the Weibull diameter distribution that yield the given basal area, number of stems and weighted/unweighted mean/median diameter. Weibull function can be assumed either as the unweighted or basal-area weighted distribution.
recweib(G, N, D, Dtype, init=NA, trace=FALSE, weight=0,minshape=0.01) func.recweib1(lshape, G, N, D, Dtype, trace=FALSE,minshape=0.01) func.recweib2(lshape, G, N, D, Dtype, trace=FALSE,minshape=0.01)
recweib(G, N, D, Dtype, init=NA, trace=FALSE, weight=0,minshape=0.01) func.recweib1(lshape, G, N, D, Dtype, trace=FALSE,minshape=0.01) func.recweib2(lshape, G, N, D, Dtype, trace=FALSE,minshape=0.01)
G |
The basal area in |
N |
The number of stems per ha, scalar. |
D |
Either A: The arithmetic mean diameter, B: The basal-area weighted mean diameter, C: median diameter or D: The basal-area weighted median diameter of the stand, cm. |
Dtype |
One of characters "A", "B", "C", "D", indicating which type of mean diameter was given in argument D. |
init |
The initial guess for the shape parameter (scalar). If not given, a simple model (see Siipilehto and Mehtatalo 2013, appendix) is used to compute the initial guess for the unweighted case; value 4 is used as default in the basal-area weighted case. |
trace |
if TRUE, some output on the convergence of the algorithm is printed on the screen. |
weight |
if weight=0 (the default), Weibull function is assumed as the unweighted density. If weight=2, weibull function is assumed as the basal-area weighted density. Weight is also the theoretical infimum of the shape parameter. |
lshape |
logarithmic shape parameter, (log(shape+minshape)). |
minshape |
Minimum difference of the shape parameter and its theoretical infimum. |
The recovery is based on the solution of the equation
DQMW^2(shape,scale(D,shape))-DQM^2= 0, where DQMW(shape, scale(D,shape)) expresses the DQM of the assumed Weibull distribution
for the given value of the shape parameter and using the scale parameter that corresponds
to the given combination of the shape parameter and the mean/median diameter given in D.
The function which is set to zero is implemented in functions func.recweib1
(unweighted case) and
(ba-weighted case).
The Gauss-Newton method implemented in NRnum
is used
for solving the equation.
A list of components
shape , scale
The value of the shape and scale parameters at the solution. |
G , N , D , Dtype
The input arguments. |
val |
The value of the equation DQMW^2(shape,scale(D,shape))-DQM^2 at the solution |
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]> and Jouni Siipilehto
Siipilehto, J. and Mehtatalo, L. 2013. Parameter recovery vs. parameter prediction for the Weibull distribution validated for Scots pine stands in Finland. Silva Fennica 47(4), article id 1057. doi:10.14214/sf.1057
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020a. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020b. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. Full Versions of The Web Examples. Available at http://www.biombook.org.
The mean diameters for options A, B, C and D are computed by functions documented at
# Demonstration with 3 example stands. # Example stand 1. Uneven-aged stand in Finland (Vesijako, Kailankulma, stand no 1): G<-17.0 N<-1844 D<-7.9 DG<-19.6 DM<-8.1 DGM<-19.1 recweib(G,N,D,"A") # 1.066123 8.099707 recweib(G,N,DG,"B") # 1.19316 8.799652 recweib(G,N,DM,"C") # 1.601795 10.18257 recweib(G,N,DGM,"D") # 1.095979 8.280063 recweib(G,N,D,"A",weight=2) # 2.590354 21.66398 recweib(G,N,DG,"B",weight=2) # 2.563892 22.07575 recweib(G,N,DM,"C",weight=2) # 2.998385 17.74291 recweib(G,N,DGM,"D",weight=2) # 2.566621 22.03183 # Example 2. Even aged stand in Finland (see Siipilehto & Mehtatalo, Fig 2): G_ha<-9.6 N_ha<-949 D<-11.0 DG<-12.3 DM<-11.1 DGM<-12.4 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,D,"A") # 4.465673 12.05919 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DG,"B") # 4.463991 12.05912 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DM,"C") # 4.410773 12.05949 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DGM,"D") # 4.448272 12.05924 # Example 3. Assumed peaked even aged stand (see Siipilehto & Mehtatalo, Fig 1): G_ha<-10.0 N_ha<-1300 D<-9.89 DG<-10.0 DM<-9.89 DGM<-10.0 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,D,"A") # 34.542 10.04978 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DG,"B") # 14.23261 10.22781 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DM,"C") # 6.708882 10.44448 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DGM,"D") # 24.45228 10.10607
# Demonstration with 3 example stands. # Example stand 1. Uneven-aged stand in Finland (Vesijako, Kailankulma, stand no 1): G<-17.0 N<-1844 D<-7.9 DG<-19.6 DM<-8.1 DGM<-19.1 recweib(G,N,D,"A") # 1.066123 8.099707 recweib(G,N,DG,"B") # 1.19316 8.799652 recweib(G,N,DM,"C") # 1.601795 10.18257 recweib(G,N,DGM,"D") # 1.095979 8.280063 recweib(G,N,D,"A",weight=2) # 2.590354 21.66398 recweib(G,N,DG,"B",weight=2) # 2.563892 22.07575 recweib(G,N,DM,"C",weight=2) # 2.998385 17.74291 recweib(G,N,DGM,"D",weight=2) # 2.566621 22.03183 # Example 2. Even aged stand in Finland (see Siipilehto & Mehtatalo, Fig 2): G_ha<-9.6 N_ha<-949 D<-11.0 DG<-12.3 DM<-11.1 DGM<-12.4 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,D,"A") # 4.465673 12.05919 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DG,"B") # 4.463991 12.05912 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DM,"C") # 4.410773 12.05949 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DGM,"D") # 4.448272 12.05924 # Example 3. Assumed peaked even aged stand (see Siipilehto & Mehtatalo, Fig 1): G_ha<-10.0 N_ha<-1300 D<-9.89 DG<-10.0 DM<-9.89 DGM<-10.0 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,D,"A") # 34.542 10.04978 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DG,"B") # 14.23261 10.22781 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DM,"C") # 6.708882 10.44448 recweib(G_ha,N_ha,DGM,"D") # 24.45228 10.10607
The function finds such scale parameter of the Weibull distribution that yields the given mean/median diameter. Function scaleDMean is used for arithmetic mean, scaleDGMean for the mean of basal-area weighted distribution, scaleDMed for median and scaleDGMed for the median of the basal-area weighted diameter distribution. Functions with number 1 in the name use Weibull functions as the unweighted density and functions with value 2 in the name use Weibull function as the basal-area weighted density.
The functions are used in the recovery of Weibull parameters using function
scaleDMean1(D,shape) scaleDGMean1(D,shape) scaleDMed1(D,shape) scaleDGMed1(D,shape) scaleDMean2(D,shape) scaleDGMean2(D,shape) scaleDMed2(D,shape) scaleDGMed2(D,shape)
scaleDMean1(D,shape) scaleDGMean1(D,shape) scaleDMed1(D,shape) scaleDGMed1(D,shape) scaleDMean2(D,shape) scaleDGMean2(D,shape) scaleDMed2(D,shape) scaleDGMed2(D,shape)
D |
The diameter |
shape |
The Weibull shape parameter |
scale |
The value of the Weibull scale parameter. |
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]> and Jouni Siipilehto
Siipilehto, J. and Mehtatalo, L. 2013. Parameter recovery vs. parameter prediction for the Weibull distribution validated for Scots pine stands in Finland. Silva Fennica 47(4), article id 1057. doi:10.14214/sf.1057
scaleDMean1(15,3) scaleDGMean1(15,3) scaleDMed2(15,3) scaleDGMed2(15,3)
scaleDMean1(15,3) scaleDGMean1(15,3) scaleDMed2(15,3) scaleDGMed2(15,3)
A dataset of Scots pine growth. The trees were collected on 56 fixed-area sample plots. The data includes no remeasurements. The growth data are based on measurements of increment borer chips.
A data frame with 9913 observations on the following variables.
A unique sample plot id.
Plot size in X-direction, meters
Plot size in y-direction, meters
Stand density, trees per ha
Basal area,
Plot volume,
Basal-area weighted mean diameter, cm
Height of basal area median diameter tree, m
Age of basal area median tree, yr
Dominant height, m
percentage of Scots pines of the total volume
percentage of Norway spruces of the total volume
A unique sample plot id (same as plot).
Tree id within plot.
tree species. 1=Scots Pine
x- coordinates of trees within plot
y- coordinates of trees within plot
Tree diameter at breast height (1.3 meters above the ground) in cm.
Tree height, m.
Tree age, years
Tree diameter at stump height, cm. there seems to be some unclear issues.
Double bark thickness, mm
Tree diameter growth within the 5 year period prior to the measurement. Missing data coded as -1.
Tree diameter growth within the period 6-10 years prior to the measurement. Missing data coded as -1.
The data were collected by Timo Pukkala.
Pukkala, T. 1989. Prediction of tree diameter and height in a Scots pine stand as a function of the spatial pattern of trees. Silva Fennica 23(2): 83-99. doi:10.14214/sf.a15532
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
A dataset of Scots pine tree heights and diameters.
The trees were collected on 56 fixed-area sample plots. This is a subset of the larger data set spati
A data frame with 1678 observations on the following 3 variables.
A unique sample plot id.
Tree diameter at breast height (1.3 meters above the ground) in cm.
Tree height, m.
The total number of trees on the plot.
The variance of tree diameters on the plot.
The mean of tree diameters on the plot.
The data were collected by Timo Pukkala.
Pukkala, T. 1989. Prediction of tree diameter and height in a Scots pine stand as a function of the spatial pattern of trees. Silva Fennica 23(2): 83-99. doi:10.14214/sf.a15532
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
data(spati2) fithd(spati2$d,spati2$h,spati2$plot)
data(spati2) fithd(spati2$d,spati2$h,spati2$plot)
The productivity of stump lifting machines on three Norway Spruce (Picea Abies) clearcut areas (sites). Stumps are lifted for use as bioenergy. The data were collected from three sites in Central Finland.
A data frame with 485 observations on the following 5 variables.
A unique stump id based on the order of processing. The successive numbers are usually close to each other in the clearcut area, but nearby trees do not necessarily have small difference in stump id.
The machine/clearcut/dirver combination. A factor with three levels.
Stump diameter, cm.
Processing time, seconds.
Productivity, /effective working hour
Each site was operated with different machine and driver so that the
effect of site, machine and driver cannot be separated. The volume of each stump was
estimated using the function of Laitila (2008), based on the stump diameter.
A work system study was conducted to measure the processing time (seconds) and
productivity (/hour) for each stump.
Teijo Palander, Kalle Karha, Lauri Mehtatalo 2016. Applying polynomial regression modeling to productivity analysis of sustainable stump harvesting. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Reseach. doi:10.1080/02827581.2016.1238957
Teijo Palander, Janne Smolander, Kalle Karha, 2015. Work system study of three stump-lifting devices in Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 30(6) 558-567, doi:10.1080/02827581.2015.1027731
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
data(stumplift) library(nlme) modConstPow<-gls(Productivity~Machine+Machine*I((Diameter-70)^2), data=stumplift, weights=varPower(), corr=corAR1(form=~Stump|Machine))
data(stumplift) library(nlme) modConstPow<-gls(Productivity~Machine+Machine*I((Diameter-70)^2), data=stumplift, weights=varPower(), corr=corAR1(form=~Stump|Machine))
Time series of estimated effect of thinning on the annual basal area growth of 62 Scots pine trees from three different thinning intensities.
A data frame with 1238 observations on the following 7 variables.
Sample plot id, a factor with 10 levels.
Tree id, a factor with 55 levels (same tree id may occur on different plots!).
Calendar year of the ring.
Thinning treatment, factor with 4 levels (1=Control, 2=Light, 3=Moderate, 4=Heavy).
Current tree age in years.
Tree diameter in 1986 (just before the thinning).
The thinning effect in annual basal area growth, mm^2.
The data are based on a long-term thinning experiment on a naturally regenerated Scots pine stand in Eastern Finland, see documentation of afterthin and patti for details. The experiment consists of 10 sample plots, in four different classes (including an unthinned control) according to the post-thinning stand density. The plots were thinned in winter 1986-1987. The undisturbed growth for each tree was predicted using a linear mixed-effect model with crossed year and tree effect, which was fitted to a data set including the control treatment for all calendar years and other trees until the year of thinning. The thinning effect was computed as the difference of observed growth and the undisturbed predicted growth. For details about the procedure used in extracting the thinning effect, see Example 6.6 in Mehtatalo and Lappi 2020b and for nonlinear modeling of this data, see Chapter 7 of Mehtatalo and Lappi 2020a. The data includes only the observations after the thinning year for the tree thinned treatments (i.e., control is excluded).
Mehtatalo, L., Peltola, H., Kilpelainen, A. and Ikonen, V.-P. 2014. The response of basal area growth of Scots pine to thinning: A longitudinal analysis of tree-specific series using a nonlinear mixed-effects model. Forest Science 60 (4): pp. 636-644. doi:10.5849/forsci.13-059.
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020a. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020b. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. Full Versions of The Web Examples. Available at http://www.biombook.org.
data(thefdata) linesplot(thefdata$Year,thefdata$ThEf, thefdata$Tree,col.lin=thefdata$SDClass)
data(thefdata) linesplot(thefdata$Year,thefdata$ThEf, thefdata$Tree,col.lin=thefdata$SDClass)
A time series of estimated effect of thinning on the annual basal area growth of a Scots pine tree.
A data frame with 23 observations on the following 3 variables.
Tree ID, 3_3 for all observations in this data.
Calendar year (1983-2005).
Estimated effect of thinning on the annual basal area growth in mm^2.
The thinning took place between years 1986 and 1987. For details about the original measurements, see the documentation of data set patti, afterthin. For details about the procedure used in extracting the thinning effect, see Example 6.6 in Mehtatalo and Lappi 2020b and for nonlinear modeling of this data, see Chapter 7 of Mehtatalo and Lappi 2020a.
Mehtatalo, L., Peltola, H., Kilpelainen, A. and Ikonen, V.-P. 2014. The response of basal area growth of Scots pine to thinning: A longitudinal analysis of tree-specific series using a nonlinear mixed-effects model. Forest Science 60 (4): pp. 636-644. doi:10.5849/forsci.13-059.
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020a. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. New York: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 426 p. doi:10.1201/9780429173462
Mehtatalo, Lauri and Lappi, Juha 2020b. Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with examples in R. Full Versions of The Web Examples. Available at http://www.biombook.org.
data(thinning) plot(thinning$Year,thinning$ThEff,type="l")
data(thinning) plot(thinning$Year,thinning$ThEff,type="l")
Measurements of tree volumes from 8508 individual Scots pine (4066 trees), Norway spruce (2966 trees) and birch (1476 trees) trees in Finland. A total of 5053 trees were measured in 1970's by climbing to the standing trees, 1534 trees by falling the trees in 1990's, and 1921 trees by using terrestrial laser scanning in 2010's. The trees have been selected from among the sample trees of national forest inventories. In addition to tree volumes, diameters, heights and upper diameters, the data set includes variables describing the grouping of the trees to stands and plots and information about the site characteristics.
A data frame with 8508 observations on the following 11 variables.
Stand id (numeric)
Plot id (nested within stand)
Tree volume, dm^3
Tree diameter at 1.3m height above the stump height, cm
Tree height, m
Tree diameter at 6m height above the stump height, cm
Categorical indicator for the dataset, (see the general description).
Numeric temperature sum of the site. A high value indicates warm site.
Categorical with three levels, tree species.
Categorical with two levels: mineral soil or peatland.
Categorical with four levels: region.
The data combines three datasets: 1) The climbed data including 2326 Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), 1864 Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) and 863 silver (Betula pendula Roth) and downy (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) birches collected 1968-1972, and 2) the felled data with 797 pines, 479 spruces and 258 birches collected 1988-2001, and the scanned data with 943 Scots pine, 623 Norway spruce and 355 downy or silver birch collected 2017-2018. For the two older dat sets, diameter measurements are based on two perdendicular measurements of the stem at regularly spaced height. In the scanned data, the diemater measurements are based on TLS but heights are measured manually. For more details concerning the climbed data, see Laasasenaho (1982), and for the scanned data see Pitkanen et al. (2021) and for the felled data see (Korhonen & Maltamo 1990). In the climbed and felled data, the volumes of the trees were predicted using a natural cubic spline (splinefun, R Core Team 2021) to interpolate the taper curve between measured diameters at given relative heights. The volumes were obtained as a slolid of revolution based on the interpolated taper curve. In scanned data, a smoothing spline (smooth.spline, R core team 2021) function was used instead of an interpolating spline. The pooled data has been used in Kangas et al. (XXXX).
Kangas A., Pitkanen T., Mehtatalo L., Heikkinen J. (xxxx) Mixed linear and non-linear tree volume models with regionally varying parameters
Korhonen, K. and Maltamo, M. 1990. Mannyn maanpaallisten osien kuivamassat Etela-Suomessa. Metsantutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja 371.
Laasasenaho, J. (1982). Taper curve and volume functions for pine, spruce and birch. Communicationes Instituti Forestalia Fennica 108: 1-74.
Pitkanen, T.P., Raumonen, P., Liang, X., Lehtomaki, M. and Kangas, A.S. 2020. Improving TLS-based stem volume estimates by field measurements. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture and Forestry 180, 105882.
## Not run: data(treevol) treevol$formfactor<-treevol$v/volvff(treevol$dbh,treevol$h,logita=100,lambda=log(0.2)) treevol$logitff<-log((treevol$formfactor)/(1-(treevol$formfactor))) ptrees<-treevol[treevol$species=="pine",] mod.init<-lm(logitff~I(1/h)+h+dbh+I(h*dbh)+I(1/(h*dbh))+ dataset+dataset:dbh+dataset:h,data=ptrees) mod<-nlme(v~volvff(dbh,h,logita=logita,lambda=lambda), fixed=list(logita~I(1/h)+h+dbh+I(h*dbh)+I(1/(h*dbh))+dataset+ dataset:dbh+dataset:h+soil+temp_sum, lambda~1), random=logita~1|stand/plot, start=c(coef(mod.init),rep(0,2),log(0.2)), data=ptrees, weights=varComb(varIdent(form=~1 |dataset),varPower()), method="ML", control=list(msVerbose=TRUE), verbose=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(treevol) treevol$formfactor<-treevol$v/volvff(treevol$dbh,treevol$h,logita=100,lambda=log(0.2)) treevol$logitff<-log((treevol$formfactor)/(1-(treevol$formfactor))) ptrees<-treevol[treevol$species=="pine",] mod.init<-lm(logitff~I(1/h)+h+dbh+I(h*dbh)+I(1/(h*dbh))+ dataset+dataset:dbh+dataset:h,data=ptrees) mod<-nlme(v~volvff(dbh,h,logita=logita,lambda=lambda), fixed=list(logita~I(1/h)+h+dbh+I(h*dbh)+I(1/(h*dbh))+dataset+ dataset:dbh+dataset:h+soil+temp_sum, lambda~1), random=logita~1|stand/plot, start=c(coef(mod.init),rep(0,2),log(0.2)), data=ptrees, weights=varComb(varIdent(form=~1 |dataset),varPower()), method="ML", control=list(msVerbose=TRUE), verbose=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Solves equations of form , for scalar
using a simple step
halving algorithm, where
is a monotonic continuous function.
Initial finite upper and lower bounds for
x are required. The algorithm first computes
If the sign was different then
another call is performed at the midpoint
, and the midpoint is
taken as a new upper or lower bound, according to the location of sign change.
The upper or lower bound are repeatedly updated until the
absolute value of f at the midpoint is below a specified criteria.
updown(l, u, fn, crit = 6)
updown(l, u, fn, crit = 6)
l |
The initial lower bound |
u |
The initial upper bound |
fn |
R-function for |
crit |
The convergence criteria (Maximum accepted value of f at the solution is |
A scalar giving the value of at the solution.
If the sign did not change between l and u, NA is returned.
May lead to infinite loop for non-continuous functions. Works only with monotonic functions.
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
## Compute the median of Weibull distibution fn<-function(x) pweibull(x,5,15)-0.5 updown(1,50,fn)
## Compute the median of Weibull distibution fn<-function(x) pweibull(x,5,15)-0.5 updown(1,50,fn)
An R-function for the variable form-factor volume model and a function for computing bias-corrected volumes augmented with parameter uncertainty from a model fitted using nlme.
volvff(dbh,h,theta=NA,logita=NA,lambda=NA) predvff(data,mod,p=0.05,varMethod="taylor",biasCorr="none",nrep=500)
volvff(dbh,h,theta=NA,logita=NA,lambda=NA) predvff(data,mod,p=0.05,varMethod="taylor",biasCorr="none",nrep=500)
dbh |
vector of individual tree diameters, cm |
h |
vector of individual tree heights (m), of same length as |
theta , logita , lambda
The parameters |
data |
A data set including variables |
mod |
A variable form-factor model fitted using |
p |
The probability used in constructiong the confidence intervals for
tree-level volumes and total volume.
Symmetric |
varMethod |
Either |
biasCorr |
Either |
nrep |
The number of replicates in the Monte Carlo simulation when
The variance-form-factor function is of form
where is the logit-transformed form factor and
is the stem radius at stump height, which is approximated using
where the weight is taken from the right tail of the logit transformation
Parameter uncertainty is reported because the same realized errors are used always when a model based on certain model fitting data is used; therefore those errors behave in practice like bias. Variance for total volume is computed as sum of all elements of the variance-covariance matrix of prediction errors of the mean.
Function volvff
returns a vector of tree volumes (in liters) that is of same length as
vector dbh
. In addition, attribute grad
returns the Jacobian, which is used
in nlme fitting for computing the derivatives of the model with respect to parameters,
and in approximating the parameter uncertainty when varMethod="taylor"
Function predvff
returns a list with following objects
totvol |
Total volume of the trees of |
totvolvar |
The estimated variance of |
totvolci |
The estimated |
And attributes
trees |
A data frame of including tree-level volumes, their variance and 95% confidence intervals. |
varmu |
The variance-covariance matrix of prediction errors, taking into account theparameter uncertainty. |
Lauri Mehtatalo <[email protected]>
Kangas A., Pitkanen T., Mehtatalo L., Heikkinen J. (xxxx) Mixed linear and non-linear tree volume models with regionally varying parameters
## Not run: library(lmfor) data(treevol) treevol$formfactor<-treevol$v/volvff(treevol$dbh,treevol$h,logita=100,lambda=log(0.2)) treevol$logitff<-log((treevol$formfactor)/(1-(treevol$formfactor))) ptrees<-treevol[treevol$species=="pine",] mod.init<-lm(logitff~I(1/h)+h+dbh+I(h*dbh)+I(1/(h*dbh))+ dataset+dataset:dbh+dataset:h,data=ptrees) mod<-nlme(v~volvff(dbh,h,logita=logita,lambda=lambda), fixed=list(logita~I(1/h)+h+dbh+I(h*dbh)+I(1/(h*dbh))+dataset+ dataset:dbh+dataset:h+soil+temp_sum, lambda~1), random=logita~1|stand/plot, start=c(coef(mod.init),rep(0,2),log(0.2)), data=ptrees, weights=varComb(varIdent(form=~1 |dataset),varPower()), method="ML", # control=list(msVerbose=TRUE), # verbose=TRUE ) pred1<-predvff(ptrees,mod,varMethod="simul",biasCorr="integrate") pred1$totvol pred1$totvolvar pred1$totvolci head(attributes(pred1)$trees) pred2<-predvff(ptrees,mod,varMethod="taylor",biasCorr="twopoint") pred2$totvol pred2$totvolvar pred2$totvolci head(attributes(pred2)$trees) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(lmfor) data(treevol) treevol$formfactor<-treevol$v/volvff(treevol$dbh,treevol$h,logita=100,lambda=log(0.2)) treevol$logitff<-log((treevol$formfactor)/(1-(treevol$formfactor))) ptrees<-treevol[treevol$species=="pine",] mod.init<-lm(logitff~I(1/h)+h+dbh+I(h*dbh)+I(1/(h*dbh))+ dataset+dataset:dbh+dataset:h,data=ptrees) mod<-nlme(v~volvff(dbh,h,logita=logita,lambda=lambda), fixed=list(logita~I(1/h)+h+dbh+I(h*dbh)+I(1/(h*dbh))+dataset+ dataset:dbh+dataset:h+soil+temp_sum, lambda~1), random=logita~1|stand/plot, start=c(coef(mod.init),rep(0,2),log(0.2)), data=ptrees, weights=varComb(varIdent(form=~1 |dataset),varPower()), method="ML", # control=list(msVerbose=TRUE), # verbose=TRUE ) pred1<-predvff(ptrees,mod,varMethod="simul",biasCorr="integrate") pred1$totvol pred1$totvolvar pred1$totvolci head(attributes(pred1)$trees) pred2<-predvff(ptrees,mod,varMethod="taylor",biasCorr="twopoint") pred2$totvol pred2$totvolvar pred2$totvolci head(attributes(pred2)$trees) ## End(Not run)